• Our Programs

Programs Overview

Pathways to College provides the information, guidance and support to help Scholars become the best high school students, college applicants and college students they can be, through the School-Based Scholars Program and the virtual National Scholars Program. Both programs use the same research-based, proven curriculum.

We work after school hours with selected students, primarily students of color, in whom we see high academic and leadership potential, referring to them as Pathways to College Scholars. We create safe places for our Scholars to be smart, where teams of teachers and learners are free to focus on academic and personal success, career exploration, college access and courageous leadership.

Results that matter



Pathways Graduates Accepted to College


Pathways Graduates Entered College*


Pathways Scholars (To Date)

* Source: National Student Clearinghouse

Fuel College-Going

Pathways to College offers the School-Based Scholars Program
and the virtual National Scholars Program.

For both programs …

Presently, the only cost to the student and family is the student’s full attention, participation, and commitment.

Students apply and are chosen for the program based on their motivation and potential to be successful in school and in life.

Scholars set and achieve goals for school, college, and beyond. They also encourage others by example, attain their highest potential based on their unique gifts, and commit to lifelong learning.

Sessions are led by highly effective teachers who are carefully selected to coach Scholars on the critical life skills and intellectual habits of mind, now known as social and emotional learning (SEL), that research indicates are essential to prepare for lifelong academic and personal success. These skills include communication, critical thinking, and global citizenship.

Scholars and their teachers understand that they’re part of a larger group that, through courageous leadership, can make a difference — for themselves, their peers, their communities, and even the entire country.

Scholars receive Pathways to College: An Explorer’s Guide.

Which Program is Right for Your Students?

School-Based Scholars Program
  • Operates after school in partner schools and communities.
  • Sessions are scheduled twice or more weekly during the school year for at least four hours per week.
  • Led by a team of the most effective teachers in each participating school.
  • Typically targets up to 70 middle school Scholars and 100 high school Scholars.
  • Schoolwide impact is attained through building a college-going culture and providing opportunities for schoolwide activities.
National Scholars Program
  • Accommodates Scholars who prefer the flexibility of a virtual program, empowering them to balance school, work, and preparing for success after high school, when our School-Based Program is not available.
  • Operates after school hours as a virtual, national community of learners.
  • Led by Pathways to College program teachers.
  • Currently operating in the Central and Eastern time zones.
Pathways to College

Pathways to College: An Explorer’s Guide

A Clear Guide

Pathways to College has a comprehensive, clear guidebook written specifically for students in grades 8 to 12. It explains the steps that you and your family need to take, starting well before senior year, to select the right high school classes, to identify “personal best” colleges, complete the application process, and find financial aid. In it you will also find much of what you need to know to be a successful high school student, college applicant and proud graduate.

You can learn about study skills, identifying your academic and personal strengths, exploring career opportunities, what colleges look for in the applications they receive, and importantly, how to encourage your friends to stay on the pathway to college also.

The guidebook begins with messages from Judith Berry Griffin, Founder and President of Pathways to College, and from Oprah Winfrey, our partner in producing the Explorer’s Guide. We are pleased and proud to share it with you. There is no cost for this or for other Pathways to College materials.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Can My Child Become A Pathways to College Student?

Our School-based Scholars Program operates after school in partner schools and communities. If we are not currently available in your community, students in grades 9 – 11 can apply to our National Scholars Program. Please email nspscholars@pathwaystocollege.org or call 201-541-6803.

How Can We Get Pathways to College In Our School?

Pathways to College welcomes inquiries from prospective program sites. Our approach to establishing programs requires that we engage community leaders and funders. We encourage you to forward information about Pathways to College to your school superintendent, principal and other community leaders, and alert us so that we may follow up and alert us by emailing nspscholars@pathwaystocollege.org or calling 201-541-6803.